Jul 26, 2011

Straight ahead

Sometimes, Clayden becomes the driver for Beau on their usual weekend dates.

Clayden: So... where is it?

Beau: Straight. Go straight.

After a while...

Clayden: Straight again?

Beau: Yeah. Just go straight.

After a while...

Clayden: Straight?

Beau: Yeah, turn there.

Clayden: Then?

Beau: Just go straight...


Clayden: Can you just roughly tell me where is it? I get restless over so many directions...

Beau: LOL Ok ok!

LOL. Seriously, if you were to drive, would you be told the exact location first, then only the direction; rather than to follow blindly at a direction. It's just like you're walking not knowing where you're headed....

1 comment:

Naughty Prince said...

u want to give surprise???