Sep 17, 2010


People like us, who don't deal with office work and keyboards all the time, we picked up typing using two fingers. So we started off with the index finger tapping on each keys when we type, and sometimes it takes ages to finish a sentence.

I somewhat had some trainings before. So at least I managed to type using 4 fingers from each hand, minus the little finger. The beau however, was the one who uses one finger.

So one day, I saw him typing a letter. Amazingly, he finished it in 15 minutes or so.

"Wah, you type so fast one hor?"

"Of course lah. What do you expect?"

"But you're only using your index finger mah..."

"Practice makes perfect, ma can go faster lor."

True... true... LOL. Just index fingers...


tuls said...

omgosh!!! sho kiii-ute!!! hahahahahaha
*using index finger* tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap hahahahahaha 15minutes! ting! finished!!

Pluboy2 said...

lol.. i use all 10 fingers to type..

Bravebear said...

index finger only O.o"

I use 6 fingers to type...

Paul Figaro J said...

i use all the 10 and without even look at the keyboard timm!

Bimbo said...

i didnt use any fingers. LOL kidding..

SynchingZincInc said...

I use