3 weeks away and Beau was finally meeting up with Clayden one a Sunday. Before they meet up, they were chatting on MSN.
Beau: Finally can meet my dear jor. Wonder if my dear got slimmed down or not.
Clayden: No lah. Got fat ony.
Beau: How come! Your beau slimmed down wor. No more muscle dy.
Clayden: Har? Beau become skinny? Yer... Dont like.
Beau: @.@ Don't like? *crying icon*x3 Dear don't like me jor.
Beau: Need to build up again.
Sometimes I wonder, if I'm just those typical twinks who took into physical appearance so ever much. Sigh. But really mar. Sexual attraction is important right? Right right?
11 hours ago
Can't agreed more about "Sexual attraction is important"......
Greetings from PT Foundation!
About PT Foundation:
PT Foundation is the largest community-based, voluntary non-profit making organization in Malaysia providing HIV and sexuality education, prevention, care and support programmes for the marginalised communities most affected by HIV/AIDS. We have been in existence since 1987 and have three centres in Kuala Lumpur run by over 50 staff and close to 200 volunteers.
PT Foundation is a partner organization of Malaysian AIDS Council (MAC), an umbrella body representing non-governmental organizations doing HIV/AIDS work in Malaysia.
We work with the following communities:
* Men who have sex with other men (MSM)
* Transgender
* Positive Living Programme for People Living with HIV
* Drug Users
* Sex Worker
Voluntary Counseling and Testing (VCT):
We also offer our free and anonymous HIV screening in our Voluntary Counseling and Testing (VCT) service three times a week being. We understand that the stress involved in getting tested for HIV. That’s why we offer pre- and post- testing counseling to help ease the pressure. Call to book an appointment at (03) 4044-4611.
We realize you are a prominent blogger among one of the communities we work with, Men who have Sex with other Men (MSM), and we would love to ask you a favor. If at all possible, we would love for you to call us at 03-4044 4611 and make an appointment to come in for our Voluntary Counseling and Testing (VCT) service, to get a free and anonymous HIV test conducted by trained volunteers. Please note that we are making no assumptions about your risk for HIV/AIDS, we simply believe everybody should get tested. Also, PT Foundation is trying to promote our VCT service and we would love for you to blog about your experience after you come in for our anonymous HIV screening so that your loyal readers might be encouraged to get tested as well. Let me stress that VCT is completely voluntary, we are only encouraging you to come in for your test.
After making your appointment by calling (03) 4044-4611, you can come in to the following address for your test:
Address: No. 7C/1, Jalan Ipoh Kecil, Off Jalan Raja Laut, 50350 Kuala Lumpur
Please visit www.ptfmalaysia.org to find out more about PT Foundation. Also, don't hesitate to email ptf at ptfmalaysia.org if you have any questions.
Thank you!
LOL @ PT Foundation ad is funny.
So selfish lar this Clayden! You can be fat but you can't have Beau get skinny. Poor Beau! He seem to accept you for who you are but you just want him to be the way you want him. Poor Beau!
haha... kenot tahan u 2.
hahaha.. i know where you guys met on that particular sunday :) weeheeeeeeeeeeeee sweetness!!
sexual attraction must first come from physical appearance.....
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