Jun 30, 2010

Happy Moniversary

Recalled that a friend of mine said it's rare to have people celebrate their anniversary every month nowadays. Used to be what we do when we were in our first year. Not like we particularly do some special events or some sort.

The beau started it!

I remembered after 1 month we were officially together, he said, "Dear, we're together for one month jor. Happy anniversary."

Then comes the 2nd month. And the 3rd.

And somehow. As every month approach the end, we'd be aware of the date.

Guess the Beau trained me into feeling special at the end of every month. Who'd have known, in just a blink of an eye, it's more than, wait, how many years already? LOL.

Happy Anniversary dear.


cookiedonut said...

congratz =)

Skyhawk said...

Sweet, sweet, sweet...

Pluboy2 said...

1 year?

oh well.. i used to count.. but as the months grew in to years.. leceh laaa... :)

my longest was 4 years... too mouthful to say happy forty eights months anniversary!! LOLX.. but that was the end of it :)

dancerboy said...

congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! X)

ours is coming up soon... XP

Calvin @ Bien said...

good good n congraz....

Mine adi 5 years...huhuhu...oni i the one remember...the beau is cruel....hahaha...he alwayz forget....bluek..